Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent condition that affects women and can lead to various symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles, acne, excess facial hair, or hair loss from the scalp. Additionally, PCOS can make it challenging for women to conceive. It is often referred to as PCOS for short. The condition is quite common, with approximately 5 percent of all women being affected by it.
Possible tests include:
· Blood tests
· A pregnancy test 
· Pelvic ultrasound 

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More information

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

-Fewer than 8 periods a year.
-Thick, dark hair in the upper lip, chin, sideburn area, chest, and belly.
-Weight gain and obesity 
-Acne and pimples on the face
-Hair loss
-Trouble getting pregnant without medical help.

What health problems does PCOS create?

-Diabetes (high blood sugar).
-High cholesterol levels.
-Sleep apnea, a sleep disorder

What can I do to treat the condition?

For individuals who are classified as overweight or obese, weight loss has the potential to treat several symptoms. Even a modest reduction in body weight, such as 5 percent, can yield significant improvements. For example, a 200-pound woman may benefit from a weight loss of approximately 10 pounds.

What if I want to get pregnant? 

Most of the women diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) have the potential to conceive, with the possibility of longer waiting periods. For those who are overweight, shedding excess weight can play a pivotal role in achieving regular menstrual cycles and enhancing the likelihood of conception. Should weight loss not fully address the issue of irregular periods, medical interventions can be administered to improve the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Some Facts

In women diagnosed with PCOS, the normal functioning of the ovaries is impaired. Ordinarily, the ovaries are expected to produce a single large structure known as a follicle once every menstrual cycle. This follicle grows, producing hormones, and eventually releases an egg during ovulation. However, in PCOS, the ovaries tend to generate numerous small follicles instead of the usual dominant one. As a consequence, hormonal imbalances can occur, leading to irregular ovulation, or in some cases, the absence of ovulation altogether.

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