Pelvic inflammatory disease

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Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease, also called "PID," is an infection that impacts the female reproductive system.Catching an infection during sex is the most common cause of PID. Two prevalent infections that can lead to PID are chlamydia and gonorrhea. This condition may result in persistent or chronic pain and could also lead to infertility due to the formation of scar tissue on the fallopian tubes. PID is treated with antibiotics. Some people get a shot plus pills. Some people need to get the antibiotics in the hospital through an "IV" first and then take pills when they go home. It depends on your doctor, that which treatment he or she finds best for you. 

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More information

What are the symptoms of PID?

PID symptoms include:
⦁ Lower belly pain
⦁ Fever
⦁ Chill
⦁ Fluid leaking from the vagina (called "discharge")
⦁ Bleeding or spotting from the vagina
⦁ Pain during a pelvic exam

Is there a test for PID?

There is no simple test to diagnose PID. But there are a few tests like a pelvic exam, urine test, blood test, or ultrasound that can help find the possible cause of your problem.

Can PID be prevented?

You can mitigate the risk of getting PID by:
-Using a latex condom during sex
-Not having sex with an infected partner
-Not having sex at all

Should my partner get treated, if I have PID?

Yes, if you have PID, your partner needs to get checked by the doctor. Anyone with whom you had sex with within 2 months of getting PID symptoms, needs to get checked. An untreated sex partner can infect you again with the disease.

Some Facts

Experiencing PID may pose challenges in conceiving, as it can lead to the development of scar tissue on the fallopian tubes. If pregnancy does occur, there is a heightened risk of ectopic pregnancy, a potentially dangerous condition where the embryo implants and grows in the fallopian tube, which may result in rupture. If you are attempting to conceive, it is crucial to inform your doctor about any history of PID to ensure appropriate monitoring and care.

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